Professionals flock to Suus Kuyten Auctions
Christmas officially began last night for everyone present at Suus Kuyten Auctions. Grand Prix rider Suus Kuyten hosted her fourth auction and once again delivered an unforgettable evening, with all horses sold. The 6.5-year-old Coldplay van SK Stables Z (Cicero Z van Paemel x Eldorado van de Zeshoek) fetched the highest online bid of €80,000 and will be ridden by Swedish Grand Prix rider Douglas Lindelöw.
“That partnership is bound to succeed because this is such a fantastic horse. Almost all the horses are going to professional riders who will develop them, and we’ll definitely hear more from them in the future. Many regular clients returned to buy again, which is a great sign. It shows they were happy with their previous purchases; otherwise, they wouldn’t come back,” said Suus Kuyten.
‘Everything sold’
The 23 showjumping horses, ranging from 3.5 to 6.5 years old, sold for an average price of €33,000. “Once again, everything was sold because I don’t do buybacks. It was an amazing evening; everyone was enthusiastic. It’s a great stepping stone to the next edition because I want to continue and expand this event further. I’m already working on the 2025 collection!”
The auction opened with the ‘charity pony’ Snowflake, which sold for €4,000. The proceeds will be donated to the Dutch Equestrian Sector Fund (Sectorraad Paarden). A total of 19 horses were sold on-site, with four sold online to buyers in Sweden, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands. Buyers from Belgium purchased the approved stallion Ukato-K van Kattenheye for €60,000. The 5.5-year-old Timber van ’t Looveryck (Chacoon Blue) found a new owner for €55,000.
Young stallions in high demand
There was significant interest in the 3.5-year-old approved stallions. Lincoln TF (Eiffel de Hus) was sold on-site for €48,000 after a bidding duel with an online bidder from the United States. Vegas van ’t Koningsbos (Conthargos) and Rhandy Turfhorst (Chacco Blue) both fetched €46,000.
Mare auction tonight
The auction atmosphere continues at Suus Kuyten’s stables in Eemnes, as tonight marks the first edition of the Belgian Mare Auction. Entry to the event is free. A total of 23 broodmares from highly interesting damlines will be auctioned, including pregancy, a frozen embryo or even a recipient mare carrying an embryo. The collection can be viewed at www.belgianmareauction.com. The auction starts at 8:00 PM CET.

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